Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Lazy Summer Days

Hmmmm . . . . someone is getting VERY lazy this summer when it comes to updating a certain little dogs blog. This has a strong correlation to the recent adoption of Blossom the Wonderdog. They haven't even posted the recent photos of me swimming. With goggles. How can they resist?

Friday, June 1, 2007

Hmmm. . . .

This is Bella. Did anyone notice that I'm conveniently cut out of that photo? I see where this is heading. Favoritism. Dogs with tails get all the attention.

More Beautiful Blossom Photos

Blossom Speaks

Hello. I am Blossom. As you can see from my photos, I am extremely calm and good-natured. Obviously I've been brought to live with Bella so that I can be a positive influence. My hope is to tame Bella and shape her into the therapeutic dog that she was chosen to be. I've spent the week observing her and I've made a list of possible goals for her to begin to work towards. I've also created a little chart where everyday she will either earn or lose stars for her behavior. Of course I'll be the judge. Here's the list:

1. Come when called.

2. Stop defluffing my toys. (I know what you did with my pig)

3. Stay.

4. Stop trying to herd me. They do not make yellow sheep, Bella.

I'll be watching you Bella.

Blossom Eats My Food!

I know you people won't believe me but that dog is eating my kibble. Right out from under me! I hope I don't become emaciated and wither away. But . . . on the other hand . . . I guess I do love her. Why can't life be simpler? All these complex emotions in one small, cute dog. It's all too much to process. I think I will go dig a hole and think this through.