Saturday, March 17, 2007

Good Book

My owner picked up "The Idiot's Guide to Dog Tricks" today on sale. While she wasn't looking I chewed off the corner. Of particular interest is Chapter 4, "Setting Realistic Goals" . . . I really enjoyed the comments about corgis being prone to misbehavior when bored. We really need a dog park around here.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Move That Bus!

Can someone please direct me to the volunteer tent where refreshments are being served?

Extreme Dollhouse Makeover Update

News Flash! I just heard from Ty Paddington Bear from Extreme Dollhouse Makeover. It looks as if the unicorn family is in for a big surprise. He's coming in from England to do a special makeover on the dilapidated dollhouse sometime in the next week or two. Of course, I'll be volunteering . . . I just got my shirt and hard hat. Maybe I'll have a picture of me in it on tomorrow's blog. Stay tuned.

Letter to the Old Dog

Dearest Old Dog,

I know that you think that I am annoying. Your sighs and low growls do not go unnoticed. However, I do worship you, you know. I really just want to play. I don't really mean it when I steal your food ... and bones . . . and spot on the bed. You shouldn't take it personally when I knock you out the way when the owner is petting you. Those are the ways that I show affection. Disturbing, I realize, coming from a therapy dog in training. But, hey . . . you don't live at the office and I only see you when I'm off-duty. I have no obligation to be on-call. Even a therapy dog in training should not have to be perfect. I don't get paid for overtime. Actually, I don't get paid. I'm having some deep inner anger issues today. I think I'll go take them out on a puppet. Sincerely, Bella

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Birthday !

Today's my birthday . . . I'll be accepting gifts, cards and cash all day . . .actually anytime. I don't think my owner will be giving me anything. Yesterday was a rough day. I stole a bag of jellybeans. . . . and that's not all. My owner apparently grinds her teeth at night so I also stole her mouth guard and chewed it a little. The look on her face when she caught me was priceless. I also stole a sock. Pretty much anything not bolted down is fair game. I've gotten really good at counter surfing also. Hahahahahahahahaha. The corgi defiance can not be beaten!

Saturday, March 3, 2007


Made an escape yesterday. Down the street I ran . . . did not come back when called . I didn't even fall for the "I have cookies" routine. Oh the sweet joy of corgi defiance!