Monday, March 12, 2007

Letter to the Old Dog

Dearest Old Dog,

I know that you think that I am annoying. Your sighs and low growls do not go unnoticed. However, I do worship you, you know. I really just want to play. I don't really mean it when I steal your food ... and bones . . . and spot on the bed. You shouldn't take it personally when I knock you out the way when the owner is petting you. Those are the ways that I show affection. Disturbing, I realize, coming from a therapy dog in training. But, hey . . . you don't live at the office and I only see you when I'm off-duty. I have no obligation to be on-call. Even a therapy dog in training should not have to be perfect. I don't get paid for overtime. Actually, I don't get paid. I'm having some deep inner anger issues today. I think I'll go take them out on a puppet. Sincerely, Bella

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