Friday, June 1, 2007

Blossom Eats My Food!

I know you people won't believe me but that dog is eating my kibble. Right out from under me! I hope I don't become emaciated and wither away. But . . . on the other hand . . . I guess I do love her. Why can't life be simpler? All these complex emotions in one small, cute dog. It's all too much to process. I think I will go dig a hole and think this through.


Anonymous said...

Wha-? You let another dog get in between you and your food....tsk tsk...what kind of corgi pup have you become...? I'm afraid you've gone soft, Bella.... :-)

Bella, therapy dog-in-training said...

i think i've always been soft . . .and fluffy. Sort of flubby. maybe I'll look into a boot camp for corgi empowerment.